Wednesday, June 20, 2007

If you cant do the Time,,,,

Plenty to get our teeth into in what passes for Tuesday's 'newspaper'

It seems from reading the front page and talking to one or two people this poor chap was quietly catalouging his collection of pressed flowers or collating his collection of used postage stamps that had apparently come from a Post Office mail bag that was later removed from the scene, when Plod unceremoniously burst in the front door. The poor fellow was so suprised he leapt up and flung himself from his fourth floor window coming to a sudden stop when he hit the ground.
According to Chantelle 'The Chav' Webster who is pictured smiling inanley into the camera, about 30 police were in attendance plus ambulance and other assorted Agencies.

A message to all Thanet scroates:-

If you cant do the time, dont do the crime.

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