Sunday, October 01, 2006

Bubbles Bursting.

So has Dave the Chameleon's bubble finally burst?
It seems from the latest opinion polls that the British public have at last seen what those of us who take notice of these things ( there are about 17 in Thanet !) have known since day 1, that David Cameron is all show and no knickers. As he will no doubt discover this week you cannot be all things to all men ( and women) and the grass roots of the Tory Party are as resistant to change as they ever were.
The lack of any substance in his policies is of course reflected locally, Observer has a long memory and recalls Cllr Iris Johnston very publicly asking Sandy Ezekiel for a copy of the local Tory Manifesto.

below is a quote from The Labour Groups website
" The local Conservatives took control of Thanet District Council on May 1st but does anyone know what their plans for the area are? The Labour group produced a 17-page full manifesto before the election, widely available for anyone who requested it. However, the Conservative group still appear, after the election, not to have a manifesto. At the first full Council meeting after the election Cllr. Iris Johnston noted her concerns and asked the newly elected leader Cllr. Ezekiel if he had a copy of the missing manifesto. Cllr. Ezekiel replied that he had given a copy of the manifesto to the Chief Executive and that a copy would be available for Cllr. Johnstone at 10.30 the next morning. Cllr. Iris Johnstone duly turned up at the Council Office for her copy of the Conservative Manifesto, but was fobbed off with the claim it appeared on the Conservative Election address. This was despite the assurance from a flustered Cllr. Ezekiel the previous evening. Cllr. Ezekiel also told Cllr. Johnstone that the document that he has produced for the Chief Executive is "private & confidential". What are the Conservative group plans that are so secretive the electorate that voted for them cannot see? "

AFIK Cllr Johnston has never got her copy of the Local Tory Manifesto probably because it didnt exist nor have I heard of anyone else seeing it, so it seems that national Politico's are following Sandy's lead and making it up as they go along.


Anonymous said...

A baldy man has just appeared on the television in a story about Mr Balloon.

Last year the Blue Conservatives chose Mr Balloon to write their MANIFESTO. This is a sort of BOOK that says what you would do if you ran the country.

Anyway, Mr Balloon wrote that the Conservatives would like NASTY things. Since NO body wants nasty things, Mr Blair won the election.

In spite of this, the Conservatives decided that Mr Balloon should be their team captain.

So today Mr Balloon has apparently written a NEW manifesto that says that he was quite wrong to say he liked NASTY things and from now on he will only like NICE things.

Well DUH!

The baldy man said this would be a CLAWS FOR moment (which I THINK must mean that the Conservatives will have their "claws" out "for" Mr Balloon – which is bad news for a BALLOON if you THINK about it!)

Some people seems a bit cross that the BBC news are letting Mr Balloon make his announcement that he is now nice, rather than Mr Balloon using a proper Party Broadcast. (I have watched some DVDs of "Party Broadcasts" and I do NOT understand what they have to do with parties: no one wears silly hats and there is NO cake. Which is very sad – NO ONE likes a party without cakes and hats!)

I think people should be happy though – after all, Mr Balloon says he wants to be like uncle Tony: maybe this is one step nearer to him realising how to join the nice people. Then he can go to the Labour parties. They DO have cakes! Realy nice cakes!

To be honest, though, I think he should knock down his Conservative and build a nice garage in its place.

James Maskell said...

A Labour website so accurate it misspells Cllr Johnston's name...

There must be very little going on in the Labour Group if all they post on this weblog is about an event 3 years ago. I remember seeing some of the literature from the Conservatives in the run up to the 2003 elections, when I wasnt politically active. It wasnt a manifesto but I knew in general what they would do in Council. Perhaps the Red Rose is getting on and wasnt observant enough?