Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Trouble 't Mill,,,,

Quote from

"Sometimes it's the little things in life that matter, and hidden in a small column within the Isle of Thanet Gazette in their business briefs column, was this small but revealing fact that Thanet District Council spent £450,000 last year on temporary staff. I would wager that £450,000 would be the equivalent of something like average pay for maybe 25 people.

There are a number of ways to look at this, firstly if Thanet council need 25 additional staff in the year, why don't they give them a contract of employment. Also of this £450,000 just how much of this money would be creamed off by employment agencies. If Thanet council spend nearly half-a-million on temps just how much are they spending on directly employed staff, given that many of the 'officers' are trousering £ 30,000 plus. "

I have Observed that since winning the local election in May 2003 the Tories have presided over an overwhelming mass exodus of very senior and experienced staff without batting an eyelid. While I am not intending to be critical of staff that have in some cases replaced them it is worrying nonetheless that this number of senior staff have felt that the Council is being run in such a way as to prompt departure. I list below the SENIOR staff that have left.
Director of Finance, Director of Planning, Director of Community Services,
Director of Support Services, Director of Environmental Services, Head of Regeneration, Head of Communications, Economic Development Manager, Head of Internal Audit,Audit and Performance Manager, Financial Services Manager, Coastal and Civil Engineering Manager, Head of Building Services, Head of Housing, Head of Legal Services, Monitoring Officer, Head of Economic Regeneration, Head of Leisure Services, Housing Services Manager –Strategy, Head of Revenue and Benefits, Head of Maritime Services, Head of Finance, Head of Democratic Services, Head of Leisure Services, Best Value/Performance Officer, LA21 & Health Improvement Co-Ordinator, Arts Development Officer, Arboricultural Officer, Sports Development Officer, Scrutiny Manager.

This list represents one senior member of staff leaving every six weeks and does not include experienced and knowledgeable junior staff, when they are included the leaving rate climbs to about one a week. If this situation arose in a private business senior Managers would be holding crisis meetings to address the situation and yet our Tory masters continue blindly on claiming that all is well.

It is understandable then that despite all that hype and spin coming from Cecil Street our roads continue to get dirtier, the Councils planning performance deteriorates, our housing waiting list gets longer, the overall performance gets worse,

Small wonder then that TDC had to spend nearly half a million quid just to keep services running,,,,and I bet they didnt say how much of that was spent on 'Consultants'